
 what we offer 


Become a Part of the BAHCP Legacy

Joining the British Association of Hypnotherapy and Counselling Practitioners (BAHCP) is more than just a professional choice; it's a commitment to excellence, ethics, and the enriching community we've built over the years.

Why Choose BAHCP Membership?


Being a member of BAHCP gives you an esteemed stamp of approval, showcasing your dedication to high standards in hypnotherapy and counselling.

Networking Opportunities

Connect, collaborate, and converse with some of the finest professionals in the industry through exclusive events and forums.

Continual Learning

Benefit from discounts on workshops, courses, and seminars, ensuring you always stay ahead in your practice.

Exclusive Resources

Members are provided with a bank of templates for use in practice, client information leaflets and other resources tailored for hypnotherapy and counselling practitioners.

Listing in Practitioner Directory

Make it easier for potential clients to find you through our member search tool.

Membership Options

Certified Member - £75 per annum

Description: For certified professionals actively practicing hypnotherapy and/or counseling.


  • Listing in the BAHCP official directory of practitioners.
  • Access to exclusive training workshops and seminars.
  • Subscription to BAHCP’s quarterly journal or newsletter.
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded professionals.
  • Discounts on conferences, events, and continued education courses.
  • Access to an exclusive online platform with resources, forums, and industry news.
  • Use of the BAHCP official logo and membership certificate for display.


  • Proof of certification in hypnotherapy or counselling from a recognised institution.
  • Proof that training incorporated in-person workshops and/or instruction.
  • Adherence to the BAHCP Code of Conduct.

Student Membership - £35 per annum

Description: Tailored for students currently enrolled in recognised hypnotherapy or counselling training programs.


  • Access to select training workshops and seminars.
  • Subscription to BAHCP’s quarterly journal or newsletter.
  • Networking opportunities with established professionals.
  • Special student rates for conferences and events.
  • Access to an exclusive online platform with resources catered to students.
  • Mentorship opportunities with Fellow or Standard members.


  • Proof of current enrollment in a recognised hypnotherapy or counselling program.
  • Commitment to adhere to the BAHCP Code of Conduct upon entering professional practice.

Fellow Membership - £120 per annum

Description: An elevated status for practitioners who have demonstrated exceptional contributions to the field and have a long-standing association with BAHCP.


  • Premium listing in the BAHCP directory with a 'Fellow' badge.
  • Access to exclusive training workshops and seminars.
  • Opportunity to lead workshops, seminars, or write for the BAHCP journal.
  • Use of the BAHCP Fellow logo and a special membership certificate.
  • Recognition at BAHCP events and in publications.


  • Must have been a Standard member for at least 5 years.
  • Significant contributions to the field (e.g., research, publications, leadership roles).
  • Active involvement in BAHCP events, committees, or initiatives.
  • Unwavering adherence to the BAHCP Code of Conduct.

Application Process:

Choose Your Membership Type

Begin by selecting the membership category that best suits your current status and qualifications: Standard, Student, or Fellow.

Complete the Application Form

Fill out the detailed application form, ensuring that all sections are completed accurately. This form will capture essential details about your qualifications, experience, and aspirations.

Submit Necessary Documentation

Depending on the membership category, you'll be required to upload or send in specific documents:

Proof of relevant qualifications.

Current curriculum vitae or resume.

Any additional certifications or accolades.

Proof of enrolment (for Student applicants).

Review and Acceptance

Our team will carefully review your application, which may take up to 4-6 weeks. You may be contacted for additional details or clarifications.

Membership Fee Payment

Once your application is approved, you will receive instructions on how to pay your membership fee. Your membership will be active upon receipt of the fee.

Welcome Pack

After confirmation, you'll receive a BAHCP welcome pack, which includes your membership certificate, a handbook, and other relevant materials.