Code of Conduct

The British Association of Hypnotherapy and Counselling Practitioners (BAHCP) commits to ensuring the highest standards of professionalism and ethics in the fields of hypnotherapy and counselling. All members are expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct, which serves as a beacon of our values and principles.

Professional Competence and Integrity
  • Members must consistently update their professional knowledge and skills, aligning their services with the highest standards.
  • Members should only provide services within their areas of competence, referring clients elsewhere when necessary.
Continuous Supervision
  • Members are required to undertake a minimum of 1 hour of professional supervision per month. This ensures reflection, growth, and the ongoing betterment of their practice. Affordable supervision is available directly from BAHCP at a rate of £40 per session.
Client Welfare
  • Members must always prioritise the client's well-being and safety.
  • A conducive environment for therapy, free from distractions, must be ensured for clients.
  • All client information, both active and post-therapy, remains confidential, unless legal circumstances demand disclosure or the client gives explicit consent.
  • Secure storage of records is imperative to maintain client confidentiality.
Respect and Non-Discrimination
  • All clients deserve respect, dignity, and fairness, without bias based on age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other classification.
Informed Consent
  • Before initiating any therapy or counselling service, members must obtain informed consent from clients or their legal representatives.
  • Clients have the right to be informed about all aspects of the proposed therapy, including potential risks and benefits.
Professional Boundaries
  • Members are responsible for upholding professional boundaries, avoiding situations that could compromise objectivity or lead to conflicts of interest.
  • Engaging in any intimate relationships with clients is strictly prohibited.
Transparency and Honesty
  • Openness about one's qualifications, training, experience, and membership is non-negotiable.
  • False advertising or misleading claims about treatments are not allowed.
Fees and Financial Arrangements
  • Prior to service commencement, clients must be made aware of fees, payment methods, and potential additional costs.
  • Every financial transaction should be transparent, with due receipts provided to clients.
Handling Complaints
  • Addressing client complaints in an ethical, prompt, and professional manner is mandatory for all members.
  • In case a complaint is escalated to BAHCP, full cooperation with the association's investigative processes is expected from the member.
Continuous Professional Development
  • Members must actively engage in professional development, ensuring they're updated with current research and best practices.
  • Members should be able to provide evidence of at least 30 hours of CPD per year.
Service Termination
  • Recognising and acting upon the appropriate time to conclude services, in the best interest of the client, is essential.


Compliance with this Code of Conduct is a fundamental requirement for all BAHCP members. Any violations may lead to actions, including potential membership termination, as deemed appropriate by the association.